I am grateful to provide and serve you with healthy recipes, amazing body products, transformational information and links so that your life can be as amazing as possible!
Love, Bece

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Free Winter of Wellness 2015 Online Summit*

This is going to be sooo Amazing!  40 wellness pioneers will be speaking free January 20, 2015 through March 20, 2015.  It is going to change my life and yours.  This free information is invaluable. 
Click on the link Now to reserve your spot in this life changing summit!  Changing the world begins with you. :)


  1. Hi,

    Oh this is just adorable and so cute!and this is a great idea that i have been looking for this site.You will need to do a diet analysis which will involve determining the number of calories your child gets from each meal. You should also try to determine the number of snacks and the portions sizes that your child eats.SEE MORE: health and wellness tips for winter

    warm regards
    Sathiaja Sarah

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello,

    Just a gorgeous one it is.....!we did the music and painting activity, Being overweight or

    obese is a growing problem among children. This has led to an increase in diabetes as well as

    other health risks.SEE MORE: health and wellness tips for


